Our Trip to the Barrenlands

Dear Gary and Staff at Mackay Lake Lodge,

Here are some pictures for you I hope you enjoy them as we all enjoyed ourselves during our week there with you. It truly was a hunt to be remembered. My local news paper is doing a story about the trip and I will be sending you a copy… maybe get your name out there more than just us raving about your great camp and facilities!



The time there went by so fast and since Yvette didn’t take a bull, I think her, her husband, myself and my husband are seriously planning a return trip together we would love to spend another week with you! I do think we will pass on the all nighter out on the island though! That was quite an experience! I want you to know that Yvette and I were very glad to have Joe Clark (their guide) with us, he was awesome! He kept the fire going all night and continued to show that he had our best interests at heart, I will always be grateful for his strength and great boat handling. When you told us at the orientation to trust your guides, I did not realize what that could really mean, I trusted Joe with my life, it was an experience I will never forget.


Having Archie and Joe as our guides, Yvette and I always felt they both went all out to get us close to animals and we had multiple opportunities to take decent bulls, but next time we will shoot on the first day if he is a nice one.


I really would like a map of the lake… I would like to show my husband where I shot my bull and where we spent the night out..


Thank you all so much for making us California gals feel welcome and part of the gang! I hope to keep in touch.


Take care and God bless,
